This super LARGE AND LUSH bouquet features a beautiful collection of mostly shades of pink florals with a touch of red. This design was inspired by a Valentine's Day edition of a swoon worthy sweet treat, Moon pies! "I love you to the moon & back" is right on the box. It can't get any sweeter! Just sounds like a good ol' country tune! (Our large bouquets are always the WOW factor!
*Please note we always try our best to match the bouquet pictured, we remain dedicated to fresh, high-quality flowers. Occasionally substitutions including color variation or supplemental flower type may occur, but never compromising the overall design!
Pick up times:
Thursday, Feb. 13th: 3-5pm
Friday, Feb. 14th 12-5pm
Saturday, Feb. 15th: 10-1pm
Deliveries available on Friday, Feb 14th *Please note delivery times can not be set, our delivery truck goes out at 9am and typically finish by 1pm.*