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Trust the experts- this bouquet is designed uniquely and one of a kind for your sweetheart & it will for sure be the WOW factor! Let your flower fairy go to work creatively designing a special bouquet full of the freshest and most unique varieties imaginable. (That’s what we’re known for here at Homegrown Blooms!!) Not your average bouquet for a not your average kinda love!
Pick up times:
Thursday, Feb. 13th: 3-5pm
Friday, Feb. 14th 12-5pm
Saturday, Feb. 15th: 10-1pm
Deliveries available on Friday, Feb 14th *Please note delivery times can not be set, our delivery truck goes out at 9am and typically finish by 1pm.*
This bouquet would be considered a medium/large size- designed with the more expensive garden roses and other floral varieties.